Did You Know That Restless Leg Syndrome Is Usually Caused By Vein Problems?
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Restless leg syndrome occurs when a person feels an urgency to move one or both legs in order to relieve discomfort. Fill out the form and download your FREE guide.
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Restless Leg Syndrome Affects 10% of the U.S. Population.

RLS (restless leg syndrome) is caused by unpleasant sensations in the legs that typically appear when lying down and relaxing or sleeping. People with restless legs experience an uncontrollable urge to move their legs to relieve these sensations. The sensations can also affect the chest, arms, and face.
RLS occurs in men and women, though the incidence is twice as high in women. RLS suffered are often unable to sleep, which negatively impacts many other aspects of life.
Recent studies have shown that a significant percentage of people affected by RLS also have a form of venous insufficiency such as varicose veins.
Those same studies showed that treating the vein issues also improves or resolves the symptoms of RLS.
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Recent studies suggest people affected by RLS also have a form of venous insufficiency such as varicose veins.

Those same studies showed that treating the vein issues also improves or resolves the symptoms of RLS.
The results of these studies strongly suggest that before initiating or continuing drug therapy, anyone suffering from RLS should be screened for venous insufficiency through the use of ultrasound imaging. We can perform the ultrasound at any of our Arizona Offices. It’s painless, takes just a few minutes, and is usually covered by insurance.
If venous insufficiency is found, we would encourage you to review the benefits of vein treatment options with the goal of curing the RSL.
Doctor Nima has been successfully performing the Endovenous Laser treatment to resolve the underlying vein issues and resolving RLS symptoms. Patients have been very pleased. Call and find out more.